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Opozycja między barbarzyństwem a kulturą
w wybranych utworach poetyckich Zbigniewa Herberta i Miodraga

Publication date: 20.05.2016

Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 2015, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 403 - 413



Magdalena Maszkiewicz
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Opozycja między barbarzyństwem a kulturą
w wybranych utworach poetyckich Zbigniewa Herberta i Miodraga


The opposition between barbarism and culture in the selected poems of Zbigniew Herbert and Miodrag Pavlović

In this paper comparative analysis of poetic works of Zbigniew Herbert and Miodrag Pavlović concerning the duality between culture and barbarism is being presented. The opposition between these two categories is present in both author’s poetry but they use it in slightly different ways. In Herbert’s poetry, as interpreted by Stanisław Barańczak, there is a relation between “heritage” and “disinheritance” that appears on various levels: geographic, historic and cognitive. The lyrical subject of the poems gets a feeling of an internal conflict, as he feels both connected to the world of European culture and separated from it, partly because of the war and totalitarian experience of the 20th century. In the poetry of Miodrag Pavlović there is a confrontation between the pagan, nature-bonded Slavs and the Greek, Christian culture of Byzantium. The two worlds are the roots the poet reaches to in search of the true nature of ‘Balkan people’. For both poets the duality of culture and barbarism can be considered a symbol of internal tension that characterises a human being who belongs to the two worlds and lives between them.


Literatura źródłowa
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Павловић M., Велика Скитија, Сарајево 1969.
Literatura przedmiotu
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Barańczak S., Uciekinier z Utopii. O poezji Zbigniewa Herberta, Warszawa–Wrocław 2001.
Gil D., Prawosławie, historia, naród. Miejsce kultury duchowej w serbskiej tradycji i współczesności, Kraków 2005.
Kornhauser J., Posłowie [w:] M. Pavlović, Jasne i ciemne święta, przeł. i wyb. J. Salamon, Kraków 1980.
Nasiłowska A., Persona liryczna, Warszawa 2000.
Nycz R., Język modernizmu. Prolegomena historyczno-literackie, wyd. III, Toruń 2013.
Деспић Ђ., Порекло песме. Потенцијал интертекстуалности у поезији Миодрага Павловића, Зрењанин 2008.


Information: Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 2015, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 403 - 413

Article type: Original article



Opozycja między barbarzyństwem a kulturą
w wybranych utworach poetyckich Zbigniewa Herberta i Miodraga


Opozycja między barbarzyństwem a kulturą
w wybranych utworach poetyckich Zbigniewa Herberta i Miodraga

Published at: 20.05.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Magdalena Maszkiewicz (Author) - 100%

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