Sur l’étymologie du latin virgō « vierge »

Publication date: 23.06.2014

Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, 2014, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 59 - 70



Romain Garnier
63 avenue Parmentier F – 75011 Paris
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Sur l’étymologie du latin virgō « vierge »


On the etymology of Latin virgō ‘virgin’.

The following paper is intended to explain the etymology of Lat. uirgō ‘virgin’, which serves both as adjective and sub- stantive. There is a synchronic opposition in Latin between uirgō and mulier ‘woman’, the last of which clearly alludes to sexuality, in such a locution as mulierem reddere ‘to make someone a woman’. According to the Hittite formula natta=arkant- ‘not-covered, unmounted’, which is used for sheep and cows, this puzzling Latin word could be ac- counted for by a PIE privative compound *hí-h h-ō n ‘not-covered, unmounted’. This inherited vocable would eventually belong to the PIE root *her h-‘to mount, cover’ which is likely to have been used by cattle-breeders.


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Information: Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia, 2014, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 59 - 70

Article type: Original article



Sur l’étymologie du latin virgō « vierge »


Sur l’étymologie du latin virgō « vierge »


63 avenue Parmentier F – 75011 Paris

Published at: 23.06.2014

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<p> Sur l’étymologie du latin virgō « vierge »</p>