S.M. Dubnov’s Ideological Challenge in Emigration: Autonomism and Zionism, Europe and Palestine
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RIS BIB ENDNOTES.M. Dubnov’s Ideological Challenge in Emigration: Autonomism and Zionism, Europe and Palestine
Publication date: 28.08.2013
Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2013, Volume 11, pp. 11-20
S.M. Dubnov’s Ideological Challenge in Emigration: Autonomism and Zionism, Europe and Palestine
In this paper author explores Semyon Dubnov’s position on Zionism and Diaspora Autonomism in the years after he left Soviet Russia in 1921. In particular Horowitz asserts that Dubnov must have been aware of the fact that his ideas were receiving their broadest application not in Eastern Europe, as he hoped, but in Palestine. The paper treats Dubnov’s reaction to this ideological challenge.
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Information: Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2013, Volume 11, pp. 11-20
Article type: Original article
S.M. Dubnov’s Ideological Challenge in Emigration: Autonomism and Zionism, Europe and Palestine
S.M. Dubnov’s Ideological Challenge in Emigration: Autonomism and Zionism, Europe and Palestine
Tulane University, 6823 St Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA
Published at: 28.08.2013
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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