Przemysław Dec (1969–2018): Qumranologist and Connaisseur of Ancient Judaism
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPrzemysław Dec (1969–2018): Qumranologist and Connaisseur of Ancient Judaism
Publication date: 2018
Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2018, Volume 16, pp. 153-168
Dr Przemysław Dec (1969–2018) was a lecturer at the Department of History of Judaism and Jewish Literature in the Institute of Jewish Studies of the Jagiellonian University for more than a decade. He was a passionate Qumran scholar and charismatic teacher. He died prematurely in September 2018. The Jagiellonian University has lost an exceptionally talented Hebrew philologist and lecturer on ancient Judaism.
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Dec, P. co-editor of the Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, Lublin 2009-2016.
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Dec, P. (2008a), Paleographic Dating of the Dead Sea Script. A Short Polemics to Traditional Paleography of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Qumran Chronicle 16: 89-106.
Dec, P. (2008b), editor of the Polish translation: E. Koehler, W. Baumgartner, J. J. Stamm, Wielki słownik hebrajsko-polski i aramejsko-polski Starego Testamentu, vol. 1 and 2. Warszawa.
Dec, P. (2008c), Wstęp redaktora naukowego wydania polskiego, in: Dec, P. (2008b): vol. 1: XI-XIII.
Dec, P. (2009a), “Klucze Piotra” oraz funkcja “wiązania” i „rozwiązywania” w Mt 16,19. Retranslacja tekstu i analiza wybranych leksemów w świetle Biblii hebrajskiej, tekstów z Qumran, Peszitty i Talmudu, Przegląd Religioznawczy No. 2(232): 141-158.
Dec, P. (2009b), The Material and Textual Reconstruction of the 1QHa col. 8 (+fragm. 12), Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia 7: 25-32.
Dec, P. (2009c),review of: R. Kessler, The Social History of Ancient Israel, Minneapolis 2008, in: Scripta Biblica et Orientalia 1: 285-289.
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Dec, P. (2011b), review of: I. Eph’al-Jaruzelska, Prophets, Royal Legitimacy and war in Ancient Israel, Warszawa 2009, in: Scripta Judaica Cracovienia 9: 199-201.
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Dec, P. (2016a), Some Phonological Aspects in 1QHodayot a (1QHa), The Qumran Chronicle 24: 51-57.
Dec, P. (2016b), Targum Onkelos and Torah Scroll from the Collection of Francesco Petrarch: A Paleographic and Linguistic Background, Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia 14: 57-68.
Dec, P. (2016c), The Pronouns in Hodayot (1QHa): A Study of the Language of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Qumran Chronicle 24: 147-154.
Dec, P. (2017a), The Periphrastic Tense היהwith Participle in the Hebrew Language: From the Hebrew Bible to the Mishnah, The Qumran Chronicle 25: 113-125.
Dec, P. (2017b), Zwój Hymnów Dziękczynnych z Qumran (1QHodajot a). Rekonstrukcja - przekład - komentarz. Kraków-Mogilany.
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Information: Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2018, Volume 16, pp. 153-168
Article type: Original article
Przemysław Dec (1969–2018): Qumranologist and Connaisseur of Ancient Judaism
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 2018
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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