IN ETERNAL MEMORY SHALL HE REMAIN RIGHTEOUS. Formed from the dust of the ground, more splendid than a jewel. Lithographic Portraits of Rabbis in the Collection of the National Museum in Kraków

Publication date: 28.08.2013

Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2013, Volume 11, pp. 107-134



Magdalena Czubińska
Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie
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IN ETERNAL MEMORY SHALL HE REMAIN RIGHTEOUS. Formed from the dust of the ground, more splendid than a jewel. Lithographic Portraits of Rabbis in the Collection of the National Museum in Kraków


The article presents the rare and unknown collection of Rabbis at The National Museum in Krakow. In Poland, ravaged by so many wars and pogroms, such objects are extremely rare. The National Museum in Cracow has a relatively sizeable collection of lithographic portraits of rabbis, composed of 28 items, which were mostly donated by the great benefactors of the Museum, Wacław Lasocki and Władysław Bartynowski. A social position of Rabbi in Jewish community has been described. The names and the biographies of the Rabbis have been established. The information about their lives has been given, together with the descriptions of the portraits. The text is the first scientific information, description and interpretation of these portraits.


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Information: Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2013, Volume 11, pp. 107-134

Article type: Original article


IN ETERNAL MEMORY SHALL HE REMAIN RIGHTEOUS. Formed from the dust of the ground, more splendid than a jewel. Lithographic Portraits of Rabbis in the Collection of the National Museum in Kraków

IN ETERNAL MEMORY SHALL HE REMAIN RIGHTEOUS. Formed from the dust of the ground, more splendid than a jewel. Lithographic Portraits of Rabbis in the Collection of the National Museum in Kraków


Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie

Published at: 28.08.2013

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Magdalena Czubińska (Author) - 100%

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