Images and Representations of the Rudnytskyi Family: The Case of Ukrainians in Galicia Between the Wars
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEImages and Representations of the Rudnytskyi Family: The Case of Ukrainians in Galicia Between the Wars
Publication date: 2020
Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2020, Volume 18, pp. 49-66
Images and Representations of the Rudnytskyi Family: The Case of Ukrainians in Galicia Between the Wars
Caricature journals in the interwar period had a special genre niche, giving the masses, through funny cartoons, a simplified understanding of internal and external political processes. Zyz and Komar were the largest Ukrainian satirical humor journals in interwar Galicia. They mainly covered the internal political life in the Second Polish Republic and international relationships. These journals are primarily intended for people from the countryside, and the editors and owners of these journals used anti-Semitism for the political mobilization of the rural population. I use elements of Serge Moscovici’s theory of social representations to track these processes. A key aspect here is how the image of the Rudnytskyi family was shaped on the pages of these journals. The family was of mixed Ukrainian-Jewish origins, and its members became prominent figures in various spheres of Ukrainian social and political life in interwar Galician Ukrainian socjety (in politics, literature, music, and the women’s movement). The behavior of the Rudnytskyi family was explained to the readers through their Jewish origins. Zyz and Komar both created an image of the Rudnytskyis as an integral Jewish group occupying different spheres of Ukrainian life. The study of visual caricature images thus enables us to explore the channels of the formation and spread of anti-Semitic images of Jews and the use of the image of “the Jew” in the Galician Ukrainian society in interwar Poland.
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Information: Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, 2020, Volume 18, pp. 49-66
Article type: Original article
Images and Representations of the Rudnytskyi Family: The Case of Ukrainians in Galicia Between the Wars
Images and Representations of the Rudnytskyi Family: The Case of Ukrainians in Galicia Between the Wars
Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine
Published at: 2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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