The Current State and Perspectives of Administrative Convergence of Ukraine and EU Member States

Publication date: 11.12.2019

Public Administration Yearbook, 2019, 2019 (5), pp. 174-187



Andriy Shkolyk
Ivan Franko Lviv National University
, Ukraine
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The Current State and Perspectives of Administrative Convergence of Ukraine and EU Member States


Administrative convergence is one of the key directions for further development of public policy and public administration in countries that are not members of the European Union but are members of the Council of Europe, including Ukraine. In the preamble of the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States and Ukraine, which entered into force on 1 September 2017, good governance is named among the common values which shared by the European Union and Ukraine. Consequently, the convergence of Ukrainian national public administration to the European standards is logic conclusion. Many of such standards have already been implemented into Ukrainian legislation and administrative practice. New laws have been adopted on civil service, access to public information, data protection and, partly, the decentralisation of public administration. However, the completion of the decentralisation requires substantial changes to the Constitution of Ukraine apart from subsequent  organisational reforms. A model of such administrative reform is still being discussed and mostly French and Polish experiences are taken into consideration. Meanwhile, the key law regulating public administration activities – on administrative procedure – is being refined and will be hopefully adopted by the end of this year. 


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Information: Public Administration Yearbook, 2019, 2019 (5), pp. 174-187

Article type: Original article



The Current State and Perspectives of Administrative Convergence of Ukraine and EU Member States

Polish: Stan i perspektywy konwergencji administracyjnej Ukrainy i państw członkowskich UE


Ivan Franko Lviv National University

Published at: 11.12.2019

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Andriy Shkolyk (Author) - 100%

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