Local Governance Implications of the Intricacies of the Political Change in Marienbad

Publication date: 12.10.2016

Public Administration Yearbook, 2016, 2016 (2), pp. 384-394



Filip Hajný
Charles University in Prague
, Czech Republic
All publications →


Local Governance Implications of the Intricacies of the Political Change in Marienbad


The paper offers a case study of the Marianske Lazne administration as an example of the New Public Governance (NPG) approach ed in the Czech Republic. The focus is on the particular pillars representing the features of NPG. Until now, five months after the general election, the particular attention of the Pirate Party on the determinants of NPG objectives could be observed through: making all meetings of the board's expert commissions accessible for the general public; publishing all documents discussed by the town's council on the internet; making all the town's banking accounts transparent; creating a department of internal audit separated from the rest of the administration; granting the status of a permanent guest at the board's meetings to a representative of the opposition; doubling the frequency of the council's meetings; preparing new rules of procedure facilitating the participation of citizens in the council's meetings; strengthening the communication channels between the council on the one hand and the chairpersons of expert commissions and directors of municipal organisations on the other; cancelling the positions with unclear benefits for the town; and making the rules of using municipal funds more transparent. There are still mo re evident measures expected in the areas of the second and third pillars of the Pirates' program, that is the provision of quality services for citizens and vicular and the positive development of tfie town's spa industry.


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Information: Public Administration Yearbook, 2016, 2016 (2), pp. 384-394

Article type: Original article



Local Governance Implications of the Intricacies of the Political Change in Marienbad

Polish: Skutki zawiłych zmian politycznych dla samorządu w Mariańskich Łaźniach


Charles University in Prague
Czech Republic

Published at: 12.10.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Filip Hajný (Author) - 100%

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