The European Administrative Space as a mechanism to increase the effectiveness of European law enforcement: an analysis based on the European Competition Network
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEEuropejska przestrzeń administracyjna jako mechanizm zwiększający efektywność stosowania prawa europejskiego – analiza na przykładzie Europejskiej Sieci Konkurencji
Publication date: 2015
Public Administration Yearbook, 2015, 2015 (1), pp. 95-116
Europejska przestrzeń administracyjna jako mechanizm zwiększający efektywność stosowania prawa europejskiego – analiza na przykładzie Europejskiej Sieci Konkurencji
The European Administrative Space as a mechanism to increase the effectiveness of European law enforcement: an analysis based on the European Competition Network
The development of EU law over the last decades indicates the ongoing approximation of the national legal systems towards the European model. It is particularly visible in the area of national substantive law, where by the means of unification and harmonisation legal constructions developed at the EU level are introduced into the legal systems of different Member States. While the “Europeanisation” process leads to the establishment of common legal standards and institutions in different national jurisdictions, it is still necessary to analyse whether it guarantees the full effectiveness of European legislation. In other words, does the “Europeanisation” of national substantive laws ensure a coherent and efficient application of EU law by national courts and administrative authorities? In order to answer the abovementioned question the following article refers to the notion of the European Administrative Space. Through an analysis of the main principles of its functioning, the author seeks to determine if the cooperation between national administrative authorities is a necessary complement of the “Europeanisation” of national substantive laws. Moreover, by analysing the functioning of the European Competition Network, an example of the European Administrative Space in the area of competition law, the author aims to define the practical consequences of such administrative convergence and its impact on the efficiency of European competition law enforcement.
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Information: Public Administration Yearbook, 2015, 2015 (1), pp. 95-116
Article type: Original article
Europejska przestrzeń administracyjna jako mechanizm zwiększający efektywność stosowania prawa europejskiego – analiza na przykładzie Europejskiej Sieci Konkurencji
The European Administrative Space as a mechanism to increase the effectiveness of European law enforcement: an analysis based on the European Competition Network
Katedra Prawa Europejskiego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego; Katedra Prawa Europejskiego, Międzynarodowego i Porównawczego Uniwersytetu w Tuluzie
Published at: 2015
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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