Economic Organization Forms beyond Investor Ownership

Publication date: 12.10.2016

Public Administration Yearbook, 2016, 2016 (2), pp. 546-557



Justyna Szambelan
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
, Poland
All publications →


Economic Organization Forms beyond Investor Ownership


It is argued that the maximization logic, on which classic economic analysis is based disregards the multidimensionality of human desires. Therefore, the arguments for superiority of inverstor ownership, which are based on the maximization logic, are misplaced. Indeed, promising features can be observed among the existing non-investor owned organizations.


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Information: Public Administration Yearbook, 2016, 2016 (2), pp. 546-557

Article type: Original article



Economic Organization Forms beyond Investor Ownership

Polish: Formy organizacyjne przedsiębiorstw inne niż własność inwestorska


SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Published at: 12.10.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Justyna Szambelan (Author) - 100%

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View count: 1455

Number of downloads: 751

<p>Economic Organization Forms beyond Investor Ownership</p>