Can the Tripartite ‘Driver-Car-Environment’ System Save Lives?
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RIS BIB ENDNOTECan the Tripartite ‘Driver-Car-Environment’ System Save Lives?
Publication date: 29.10.2018
Public Administration Yearbook, 2018, 2018 (4), pp. 219-231
Can the Tripartite ‘Driver-Car-Environment’ System Save Lives?
The aim of the work is to investigate the possibility of a non-traumatic connection of systems belonging to different classes: ‘Driver/person’ [D], ‘Car’ [C] and ‘Environment’[ E] into a single macrosystem called ‘Driver/person–Car–Environment’ [D–C–E] for the purposes of ensuring road safety. The key aspects of the road-safety problem in the case of the complex ‘Driver–Car–Environment’ [D–C–E] system are considered in the context of the basic principles of post-non-classics and ‘thinking in complexity’. For the first time ever, the concept of a complex macrosystem of a new type is introduced, connecting systems of different classes into an independent ‘whole’ on the basis of the conceptual model of the post-non-classical ‘whole in a whole’; it is hypothesised that the main cause of accidents is a certain incompatibility within the [D–C–E] macrosystem of the systems [D], [C] and [E] connected within it in terms of their membership in different classes (1), which causes the emergence of a critical difference/critical threshold for the interaction of complex systems of different classes (2). The increase in the number of road traffic accidents is due to the interaction of the ‘different-quality’ systems [D], [C], [E] within a single macrosystem; the new quality of the macrosystem [D–C–E] is determined by the nature of the bonds and the emergence of consistency or mismatch between different integral elements in a single macrosystem. The need has been established to embrace the safety paradigm as a scientific branch on the basis of the methodology of a non-traumatic/ecological connection without combination of multiclass subsystems into a single macrosystem with a mega-control.
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Information: Public Administration Yearbook, 2018, 2018 (4), pp. 219-231
Article type: Original article
Can the Tripartite ‘Driver-Car-Environment’ System Save Lives?
Odessa National Polytechnic University
Published at: 29.10.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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