The Living Archive. More-Than-Human Presences in Ruderal Habitats
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEŻywe archiwum. Więcej-niż-ludzkie obecności w siedliskach ruderalnych
Publication date: 07.2023
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2023, Issue 2 (55) Bio-aktywne rumowisko historii cz. II, pp. 163 - 175
Żywe archiwum. Więcej-niż-ludzkie obecności w siedliskach ruderalnych
Ruderal ecologies can be regarded as places where more-than-human actants start to operate. In this article, places abandoned by a man, are called “prospective ruination” to emphasize the verb of decomposition function and to reorient the cognitive perspective of decay into the future, understood as a new human and more-than-human ruderal assemblages of culture-natures. The author of this text truly believes, that providing this kind of view, expands the Polish imaginary related to the rubble, reorienting the perspective of decay, to the vibrant more-than-human agencies and forces. The subject of the research reflection on ruderal ecologies (Caitlin DeSilvey), which constitute a. living archive, is Karolina Grzywnowicz’s project Weeds exhibited in 2015 at Zachęta in Warsaw. By introducing the term “biomnemonic witness” (gr. Mnemosyne, goodness of memory), the author emphasizes the subjectivity of the plant kingdom and its floral agencies in creating cultural and biological entanglements. The coda of the sketch problematizes the notion of a living archive and determines the trajectory of getting out of the anthropocentric cognitive impasse.
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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2023, Issue 2 (55) Bio-aktywne rumowisko historii cz. II, pp. 163 - 175
Article type: Original article
Żywe archiwum. Więcej-niż-ludzkie obecności w siedliskach ruderalnych
The Living Archive. More-Than-Human Presences in Ruderal Habitats
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 07.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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PolishView count: 439
Number of downloads: 207