Vedutas, panoramic paintings, prospects, capriccios, marinas or about a peculiar prolegomenon to the Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWeduty, panoramy, prospekty, capriccia, mariny albo o swoistej prolegomenie do Atlasu Mnemosyne Aby’ego Warburga
Publication date: 12.10.2010
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2010, Issue 2 (8), pp. 75 - 85
Weduty, panoramy, prospekty, capriccia, mariny albo o swoistej prolegomenie do Atlasu Mnemosyne Aby’ego Warburga
21st century. Every part of the article referes to different manner of using landscape according to current cultural needs. In accordance with Warburg’s thesis no distinction was made between paintings being included in order of the so-called highbrow art and images taken from mass media and popular culture. Such an approach enabled to underline general accompanying purposes for image production both in historical ages as well as in our times. The article emphasizes the ceaseless necessity of the human kind for presenting its most immediate environment, willingness to keep or to create determined images of cities, as well as various forms of using landscapes arisen currently or in the past. Being based on a method implemented by Warburg that is, juxtapositing various images together within individual boards, the article shows its possible applications enabled by new technologies in order to bulid a hiperlinkes structures which connect images not only within one board but also in between them. It results in production of hyperlinked arrangements that once again confirm tha fact that Aby Warburg should be perceived not only as the father of modern art history, but also as the founder of visual studies.
Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2010, Issue 2 (8), pp. 75 - 85
Article type: Original article
Weduty, panoramy, prospekty, capriccia, mariny albo o swoistej prolegomenie do Atlasu Mnemosyne Aby’ego Warburga
Vedutas, panoramic paintings, prospects, capriccios, marinas or about a peculiar prolegomenon to the Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas
Kraków Academy of Fine Arts
plac Jana Matejki 13, Kraków, Poland
Published at: 12.10.2010
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 115
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