Post-ludzki design twarzy – posthumanistyczne konteksty technologii obrazowania twarzy

Publication date: 31.03.2020

Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2020, Issue 1 (43), pp. 92 - 107



Jan Stasieńko
AGH University of Krakow
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3444-696X Orcid
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Post-ludzki design twarzy – posthumanistyczne konteksty technologii obrazowania twarzy


Non-human face design. Posthuman contexts of facial imagery technologies

The face seems to be a category that should take a very important and special place in posthuman thought. It is in fact the battlefield between various forces and is the result of biological components, affects, technology and biotechnology, screens and communication codes. The reflection on the face that has already begun from Deleuze and Guattari, which detaches it from the human subject, undermines its status as an emblem of humanity and shows it as the intersection of various types of tension and dynamics, finds its practical expression in current technological reality. Facial imaging technologies in film CGI, specialized methods of face-tracking and analysis using artificial intelligence algorithms, fusions of human and inhuman faces in artistic and commercial projects, and finally the face as an important element of robotics, all these areas show this category as a real field of experiment and designing practices in the visual layer. The face thus appears as a critical category, inclining to ask questions about the veracity of her image, its integrity, property rights to her, and communication potential. The aim of the article will be an attempt to build a map of face design practices in post-digital media reality and answer the question about its very complex and defying contemporary status. 


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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2020, Issue 1 (43), pp. 92 - 107

Article type: Original article


Post-ludzki design twarzy – posthumanistyczne konteksty technologii obrazowania twarzy

Non-human face design. Posthuman contexts of facial imagery technologies

Published at: 31.03.2020

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Jan Stasieńko (Author) - 100%

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