The article “Polish-German places of rememberance and commemoration made manifest”.
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPolsko-niemieckie miejsca pamięci i upamiętniania oraz ich uobecnianie. Uwagi na marginesie pewnego projektu polsko-niemieckiego i jego dokumentacji
Publication date: 22.11.2012
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2012, Issue 1 (11) , pp. 112 - 118
Polsko-niemieckie miejsca pamięci i upamiętniania oraz ich uobecnianie. Uwagi na marginesie pewnego projektu polsko-niemieckiego i jego dokumentacji
The article “Polish-German places of rememberance and commemoration made manifest”.
These notes, made in the margin of a certain Polish-German project and its documentation, show from practical side the areas of historical rememberance that is present in the awarness of Polish and German university students. The concept of “recollection and reminiscence places” related to specific sites and events in history of Great Poland is provided with a commentary based mainly on so-called “participatory cognition”.
Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2012, Issue 1 (11) , pp. 112 - 118
Article type: Original article
Polsko-niemieckie miejsca pamięci i upamiętniania oraz ich uobecnianie. Uwagi na marginesie pewnego projektu polsko-niemieckiego i jego dokumentacji
The article “Polish-German places of rememberance and commemoration made manifest”.
Adama Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Cultural Studies Faculty, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89A, Poznań
Published at: 22.11.2012
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 1736
Number of downloads: 1048