Prosthetic Memory and Unreality of Time in Watchmen
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPamięć protetyczna i nierealność czasu w serialu Watchmen
Publication date: 19.08.2020
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2020, Issue 3 (45), pp. 278 - 290
Pamięć protetyczna i nierealność czasu w serialu Watchmen
Prosthetic Memory and Unreality of Time in Watchmen
Starting from a reflection on the traumatic experience of racism, the author of the article considers the possibility of transmitting the knowledge about the past and retrieving memory, and then points out how the relationships between the past, the present and the future are problematized, if we change the way we think about time, namely when it ceases to be perceived as something real or objective. The point of reference for further considerations is the HBO Watchmen series, made in 2019, which exemplifies the mechanism of prosthetic memory. According to the definition proposed by Alison Landsberg, prosthetic memory includes continuity and rupture. It is connected not only with the individual but the collective dimension as well, as it is related to the sphere of politics. In other words, it is a vehicle thanks to which we can travel to other places and times, and thanks to which the viewer may refer to important social and psychological issues.
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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2020, Issue 3 (45), pp. 278 - 290
Article type: Original article
Pamięć protetyczna i nierealność czasu w serialu Watchmen
Prosthetic Memory and Unreality of Time in Watchmen
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Kraków
Published at: 19.08.2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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