On ethnographic surrealism, fabulation and the power of the false in Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s film
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Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2024, Issue 1 (59) , pp. 217 - 229
O surrealizmie etnograficznym, fabulacji i potędze nieprawdy w filmie Apichatponga Weerasethakula
The subject of the analysis is the feature-length debut of Apichatpong Weerasethakul, a Thai film director and video artist, allowing us to understand how the process of creating art can be combined with research work – in this case ethnography – making the camera a tool of cognition. Mysterious Object at Noon (2000) is a kind of epistemological and aesthetic experiment whose aim is to develop a new way of talking about reality by combining different voices and involving many people involved in the project in the creative process. The starting point of the article are methodological concepts proposed by representatives of research-creation (Erin Manning, Brian Massumi) and the idea of ethnographic surrealism as presented by James Clifford. Using a selected film example, I would like to show what the fabulation is all about as a narrative strategy and a tool for creating a collective artistic statement, which is also a research practice.
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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2024, Issue 1 (59) , pp. 217 - 229
Article type: Original article
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Kraków
Published at: 06.2024
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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PolishView count: 193
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