From Braille Code to Smart Book Readers: Technology as a Tool for Reading Emancipation of the Visually Impaired Persons
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEFrom Braille Code to Smart Book Readers: Technology as a Tool for Reading Emancipation of the Visually Impaired Persons
Publication date: 2022
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2022, Issue 3 (53) Technology between empowerment and exclusion, pp. 459 - 475
From Braille Code to Smart Book Readers: Technology as a Tool for Reading Emancipation of the Visually Impaired Persons
This paper illustrates how, over the course of the last two centuries, the autonomous access of the visually impaired to reading material has expanded. The author coins the term “reading emancipation” to describe these processes. She illustrates it by referring to her own research involving in-depth interviews with the visually impaired readers regarding the use of various forms of books, such as books printed in Braille, talking books and e-books. The author also traces the historical background of the transformation of alternative book formats, from the development and spread of Braille code to digital books. The description of the evolution of book formats is set against the background of the transformations taking place in Europe with a strong emphasis on the impact of these transformations on Poland.
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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2022, Issue 3 (53) Technology between empowerment and exclusion, pp. 459 - 475
Article type: Original article
From Braille Code to Smart Book Readers: Technology as a Tool for Reading Emancipation of the Visually Impaired Persons
From Braille Code to Smart Book Readers: Technology as a Tool for Reading Emancipation of the Visually Impaired Persons
University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland
Published at: 2022
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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EnglishView count: 511
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