“Borrowing” the User’s Body – Prohibited. On Pandemic Immersion and Longing for “True Simulacra”
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RIS BIB ENDNOTECOVID-CODA. Zakaz „wypożyczania ciał”, czyli o immersyjności pandemicznej i tęsknotach za „prawdziwymi symulakrami”
Publication date: 2020
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2020, Issue 2 (44), pp. 140 - 151
COVID-CODA. Zakaz „wypożyczania ciał”, czyli o immersyjności pandemicznej i tęsknotach za „prawdziwymi symulakrami”
“Borrowing” the User’s Body – Prohibited. On Pandemic Immersion and Longing for “True Simulacra”
This paper focuses on arts responses to the first two months of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Author presents examples of COVID-inspired/caused works in different fields (literature, film, interactive media, performance and visual arts), but the main problem analysed in the article is how the art that engages (“borrows”) its users bodies, especially the one that should be characterized in context of haptic aesthetic and participatory culture, can function in new, pandemic situation. Particular examples of COVID-inspired evolutions of existing projects (as Secret Sofa version of Secret Cinema) are described as augmented tableau vivant of pandemic times. Author reminds also the long tradition of interactive art dealing with problem of telepresence or joining remote locations, as well as the history of interactive art and performances that function only virtually (in the Internet/The Third Space) what permits to analyse actual, “pandemic” strategies of presenting the interactive art (as Home Delivery by Ars Electronica Center) in broader context.
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Information: Arts & Cultural Studies Review, 2020, Issue 2 (44), pp. 140 - 151
Article type: Original article
COVID-CODA. Zakaz „wypożyczania ciał”, czyli o immersyjności pandemicznej i tęsknotach za „prawdziwymi symulakrami”
“Borrowing” the User’s Body – Prohibited. On Pandemic Immersion and Longing for “True Simulacra”
University of Lodz, Poland, ul. Narutowicza 65, 90-131 Łódź
Published at: 2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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PolishView count: 1169
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