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Sharp power – introduction to the issue

Publication date: 17.11.2021

Internal Security Review, 2021, Issue 25 (13), pp. 325 - 340



Łukasz Skoneczny
Internal Security Agency, ul. Rakowiecka 2a 00-993 Warszawa (Poland)
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1612-0915 Orcid
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Bogusław Cacko
Internal Security Agency, ul. Rakowiecka 2a 00-993 Warszawa (Poland)
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6496-7005 Orcid
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Sharp power – introduction to the issue


The aim of the article is an attempt to define the sharp power strategy, present characteristic ways of its employment and propose methods of minimizing its negative consequences for the security of the Republic of Poland. The analysis of the issues related to the types of state power (soft power, hard power, smart power) is followed by a coherent definition of sharp power formulated by the authors of the publication. The consecutive section of the article describes examples of methods of implementing the aforementioned strategy of influencing participants of international relations. Finally, the authors presented proposals for institutional and legal solutions, which are to counteract potential sharp power moves aimed at undermining the security and international position of the Republic of Poland.


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Information: Internal Security Review, 2021, Issue 25 (13), pp. 325 - 340

Article type: Original article



Sharp power – introduction to the issue


Sharp power – introduction to the issue



Łukasz Skoneczny
Internal Security Agency, ul. Rakowiecka 2a 00-993 Warszawa (Poland)
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1612-0915 Orcid
All publications →

Internal Security Agency, ul. Rakowiecka 2a 00-993 Warszawa (Poland)


Bogusław Cacko
Internal Security Agency, ul. Rakowiecka 2a 00-993 Warszawa (Poland)
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6496-7005 Orcid
All publications →

Internal Security Agency, ul. Rakowiecka 2a 00-993 Warszawa (Poland)

Published at: 17.11.2021

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Łukasz Skoneczny (Author) - 50%
Bogusław Cacko (Author) - 50%

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View count: 1207

Number of downloads: 2908

<p> Sharp power – introduction to the issue</p>