Cognitive distortions and recidivism in sexual offenders against children

Publication date: 23.06.2022

Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2021, 128, pp. 191 - 209



Filip Szumski
Wydział Psychologii i Kognitywistyki, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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Dominika Bartoszak
Wydział Psychologii i Kognitywistyki, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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Cognitive distortions and recidivism in sexual offenders against children


Aim. The purpose of the study was to examine if cognitive distortions of various content presented by sexual offenders against children are related with sexual recidivism risk and actual recidivism. To extend the reliability of the interpretation of its results, differences in the number of cognitive distortions exhibited by sexual offenders against children and controls and relation between cognitive distortions measured explicitly and implicitly are also examined.

Method. 64 sexual offenders against children, 46 sexual offenders against adults, 74 nonsexual violent offenders, and 68 non-offending males participated in the study. Explicit and implicit cognitive distortions were measured by two newly created instruments. Sexual recidivism risk were assessed using Static-99. Data on conviction and actual recidivism were drawn from penitentiary files.

Results. Implicit and explicit cognitive distortions were mostly unrelated. Offenders showed more cognitive distortions than non-offending males. Cognitive distortions were not associated with static sexual recidivism risk. In explicit measurement sexual recidivists showed more cognitive distortions of all types with sexual content than non-recidivists.

Conclusion. Results of the study suggests that cognitive distortions with sexual content are  criminogenic need. Thus, tackling them in treatment shall be contemplated.


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Information: Problems of Forensic Sciences, 2021, 128, pp. 191 - 209

Article type: Original article



Cognitive distortions and recidivism in sexual offenders against children


Cognitive distortions and recidivism in sexual offenders against children


Wydział Psychologii i Kognitywistyki, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań

Wydział Psychologii i Kognitywistyki, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań

Published at: 23.06.2022

Received at: 15.02.2022

Accepted at: 15.05.2022

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Filip Szumski (Author) - 50%
Dominika Bartoszak (Author) - 50%

Article corrections:


Publication languages:

English, Polish