Where does Łódź leak?
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWhere does Łódź leak?
Publication date: 05.12.2013
Ethnographies, 2013, Volume 41, Issue 4, pp. 271 - 279
Where does Łódź leak?
The text concerns the potential area of cooperation between anthropologists, architects and local community, who lives in space that is to be projected. The city of Łódź faces several urban, economic and political obstacles and problems. The article presents the project, the aim of which was to show that the architecture as a discipline should care about the users of space and ask them about their needs and make them the members of a revitalization project. Therefore, cultural anthropology with its fieldwork methodology is a chance to hear what the people say about the place where they live or would like to live. The authors plan to conduct action research among the inhabitants of Łódź’s backyards and to create a participatory design, which is also aiming at improving civil attitudes.
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Information: Ethnographies, 2013, Volume 41, Issue 4, pp. 271 - 279
Article type: Original article
Where does Łódź leak?
Where does Łódź leak?
University of Lodz, Poland, ul. Narutowicza 65, 90-131 Łódź
University of Lodz, Poland, ul. Narutowicza 65, 90-131 Łódź
Published at: 05.12.2013
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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