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RIS BIB ENDNOTEKonflikt czy współzawodnictwo? O zakresie, metodach oraz skuteczności działania cyrulików i Niebieskich Uzdrowicieli w świetle polskiego piśmiennictwa mirakularnego (XVII–XVIII w.)
Publication date: 2018
Modern medicine, 2018, Volume 24 (2018) Issue 3 (supplement), pp. 139 - 152
Konflikt czy współzawodnictwo? O zakresie, metodach oraz skuteczności działania cyrulików i Niebieskich Uzdrowicieli w świetle polskiego piśmiennictwa mirakularnego (XVII–XVIII w.)
Conflict or Competition? On the Scope, Methods and Effectiveness of Medics and Heavenly Healers in Ligh
The study is based on three sources which are the books of miracles of Bernard of Wąbrzeźno, archbishop Bogumił, and the Blessed Virgin Mary of Rokitno. The analysis revealed that the aforementioned books of miracles were not an arena of confl ict. The Heavenly Healers in the books proved to be almost absolutely effective – this is a matter of course due to the specific nature of the books which are composed of certified miracles. The recorded helplessness of barber surgeons as well as ineffectiveness of recommended treatments served not so much to show intentional depreciation of this group but rather to indicate the Providence, which offered its help in every helpless situation.
Information: Modern medicine, 2018, Volume 24 (2018) Issue 3 (supplement), pp. 139 - 152
Article type: Original article
Konflikt czy współzawodnictwo? O zakresie, metodach oraz skuteczności działania cyrulików i Niebieskich Uzdrowicieli w świetle polskiego piśmiennictwa mirakularnego (XVII–XVIII w.)
Faculty of History, Adam Mickiewicz University, Święty Marcin 78, 61-809 Poznań, Poland
Published at: 2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 2002
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