The World as an Ironist’s Playground: Reflections on Józef Wittlin’s The Salt of the Earth

Publication date: 18.12.2018

Konteksty Kultury, 2018, Special Issue (2018), pp. 20 - 30



Wojciech S. Wocław
All publications →


Filip Mazurczak Orcid


The World as an Ironist’s Playground: Reflections on Józef Wittlin’s The Salt of the Earth


This article tries to characterize irony in Józef Wittlin’s The Salt of the Earth, also in reference to the author’s other texts. The author refers to the most important twentieth century methodology of the study of irony as well as to the scholars who study Wittlin’s work, including: D.S. Muecke, D. Sperber i D. Wilson, B. Alleman, W. Szturc, P. Łaguna oraz K. Jakowska, Z. Yurieff, and E. Wiegandt.

Here, irony is treated as the attitude of a worldview that formed in part due to the experience of World War I. Thanks to the ironic view of reality (which in the very text of The Salt of the Earth is evident, for example, at the stylistic level) the author succeeds in saving his own world of values, which in this way is subject to Bakhtinian carnivalization.


Originally published in Konteksty Kultury 2011, vol. 7 (the Polish title: “W żywiole ironii…O bohaterach Soli ziemi Józefa Wittlina”).


Download references

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Information: Konteksty Kultury, 2018, Special Issue (2018), pp. 20 - 30

Article type: Original article



The World as an Ironist’s Playground: Reflections on Józef Wittlin’s The Salt of the Earth

Published at: 18.12.2018

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Wojciech S. Wocław (Author) - 100%
Filip Mazurczak (Translator) - 0%

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