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Устный корпус Национального Корпуса Русского Языка как источник информации о концептуализации

Publication date: 01.03.2016

Language and Method, 2015, 2, pp. 239-247


Johanna Viimaranta
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Устный корпус Национального Корпуса Русского Языка как источник информации о концептуализации


This methodological article deals with how we can use the Corpus of Spoken Russian that is part of the Russian National Corpus as a source of language data for studying conceptualization. It is claimed that spoken corpora are better suited to this purpose than corpora of written texts or other sources of language data. The article describes the benefits of material that consists of units of spoken discourse rather than written sentences, even when we study questions that are not primarily related to spoken language. The notion of conceptualization refers to how humans categorize and classify their perceptions on the basis of how their bodies are built and what they know about the functioning and characteristics of different objects. The main benefi t of material from the spoken corpus for studying these phenomena is the spontaneity of such material – in speech we do not have the time to make deliberate choices, so that spoken language reflects our conceptual processes in their purest form. Also, spoken language is not corrected and neutralized by others, as is often the case with the language of published texts. As examples of questions that can be studied with spoken corpus material I introduce the Russian onomatopoeic word bac ‘bang’ and the actant structure of the verb form podderzhivaet ‘supports’. 


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Information: Language and Method, 2015, 2, pp. 239-247

Article type: Original article



Устный корпус Национального Корпуса Русского Языка как источник информации о концептуализации

Published at: 01.03.2016

Article status: Open

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Johanna Viimaranta (Author) - 100%

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