Пунктуация: деловая и… цифровая: о знаках препинания в современной бизнес-коммуникации
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEПунктуация: деловая и… цифровая: о знаках препинания в современной бизнес-коммуникации
Publication date: 09.2021
Language and Method, 2021, 7, pp. 175-185
Пунктуация: деловая и… цифровая: о знаках препинания в современной бизнес-коммуникации
The article deals with punctuation in modern business communication. The authors compare the traditional setting of punctuation marks with the one used in chats, social networks, e-mails, etc. With the transition of business correspondence to chats and messengers, punctuation ceases to obey the general language norm, and develops according to the laws of the Internet: traditional punctuation is replaced by emoticons or rethought emotionally. The authors analyze in detail the functions of the exclamation mark, which serves to distinguish sentences and to express a subjective attitude. Considering the use of the exclamation mark in correspondence, the authors note its frequency in online texts. The exclamation makes the statement relevant to the recipient, and the exclamation mark becomes a conative (addressed to the recipient) component of business communication. Particular attention is paid to another conative sign, the ellipsis as omission/suspension points. The use of punctuation marks today depends on the transition of traditionally verbal forms of communication to writing, on following in business communication not a language norm, but a corporate substandard, on digital writing technology and the actions of the writer.
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Information: Language and Method, 2021, 7, pp. 175-185
Article type: Original article
Пунктуация: деловая и… цифровая: о знаках препинания в современной бизнес-коммуникации
Russian Academy of Sciences
Россия, Российский государственный социальный университет
Published at: 09.2021
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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