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Лексико-конструкционный подход к русским глаголам локативной альтернации

Publication date: 12.03.2012

Language and Method, 2012, 1, pp. 33-40


Károly Bibok
University of Szeged Hungary, Szeged, Dugonics tér 13, 6720 Hungary
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Лексико-конструкционный подход к русским глаголам локативной альтернации


The lexical rule approach and Construction Grammar are important steps towards a wellfounded treatment of syntactic alternations. Nevertheless, one has to realize the significance of both constructional and lexical factors. My lexical-constructional explanation offers such an underspecified meaning representation which serves as a basis for both meanings coming about in syntactic alternation. Applied this mechanism to Russian locative alternation I present a lexical representation that results in different interpretations in different constructions.


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Information: Language and Method, 2012, 1, pp. 33-40

Article type: Original article


Russian: Лексико-конструкционный подход к русским глаголам локативной альтернации


University of Szeged Hungary, Szeged, Dugonics tér 13, 6720 Hungary

Published at: 12.03.2012

Article status: Open

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Károly Bibok (Author) - 100%

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