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Using airborne laser scanning data  for automation land cover mapping in the aspect of monitoring forest succession areas

Publication date: 14.12.2018

Geoinformatica Polonica, 2018, Vol. 17 (2018), pp. 91-97



Marta Szostak
University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Forestry, Institute of Forest Resources Management, Department of Forest Management, Geomatics and Forest Economics
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Jakub Bochenek
University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Forestry, Institute of Forest Resources Management, Department of Forest Management, Geomatics and Forest Economics
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Using airborne laser scanning data  for automation land cover mapping in the aspect of monitoring forest succession areas


Paper concerning possibilities of using airborne laser scanning (ALS) data for monitoring land cover changes, mainly land abandonment, especially for the aspect of detection forest succession area. Automated method was developed based on the product of ALS data processing − normalized Digital Surface Model (nDSM).  The results of ALS data processing were compared with the official cadastral data and the result of photointerpretation and manual vectorization orthophotomap. As a test site was chosen area in Wieliczka district (Małopolska voivodship, south of Poland). The area of study consisted of several plots listed in the cadastral database mainly as agricultural areas, meadows or pastures but most of them not used for agriculture, but abandoned and covered by process of the secondary forest succession. Detailed information about actual land cover was determined for year 2012 based on ALS data from ISOK project (Head of Geodesy and Cartography). Research showed discrepancy between the cadastral data and actual state for plots. Using ALS data, there was possibility in the semi-automatic way to confirm the process of forest succession in the analysed area, according to the results of vectorization orthophotomap.


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Information: Geoinformatica Polonica, 2018, Vol. 17 (2018), pp. 91-97

Article type: Original article



Using airborne laser scanning data  for automation land cover mapping in the aspect of monitoring forest succession areas

Polish: Zastosowanie danych lotniczego skanowania laserowego dla automatyzacji określania pokrycia terenu w aspekcie monitorowania obszarów sukcesji leśnej


University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Forestry, Institute of Forest Resources Management, Department of Forest Management, Geomatics and Forest Economics

University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Forestry, Institute of Forest Resources Management, Department of Forest Management, Geomatics and Forest Economics

Published at: 14.12.2018

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Marta Szostak (Author) - 50%
Jakub Bochenek (Author) - 50%

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