Analysis of the possibilities for reclamation after aggregate exploitation in the Cracow’s quarry of Brzegi by using remote sensing and geoinformatics
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEAnalysis of the possibilities for reclamation after aggregate exploitation in the Cracow’s quarry of Brzegi by using remote sensing and geoinformatics
Publication date: 15.12.2016
Geoinformatica Polonica, 2016, Vol. 15 (2016), pp. 113 - 120
Analysis of the possibilities for reclamation after aggregate exploitation in the Cracow’s quarry of Brzegi by using remote sensing and geoinformatics
The paper presents a study referring to the bottom of a water reservoir formed after the exploitation of aggregates and the determination of its best possible direction of reclamation. The surveying reservoir is a part of the aggregate quarry “Brzegi”, located on the border of Cracow and Wieliczka cities in the southern Poland. The owner Kruszywo S.A. is planning to develop this land for a water park that will make this areas available for people, but in harmony with nature as well. The aim of this research study is to analyze whether the water-recreation direction of reclamation is possible. If so, the second aim is to determine which is more practical and economical:
To answer these questions three parameters are analyzed:
To analyze these parameters, special maps were made, such as: a bathymetric map, a composition map and a vegetation map. The depth measurements enable us to obtain gradient of underwater slopes. To determine the composition of the bottom, strength of the back echo-signal was analyzed. The vegetation analysis presents quantity and abundance of plants from bottom to surface. To determine the above-mentioned parameters, a self-constructed measuring device “The Smart SonarBoat” was used, which can be remote-controlled from the bank of the water reservoir. The article describes methods of obtaining geospatial underwater data and possibilities to analyze and interpret them using geoinformatics, statistics and related fields.
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Information: Geoinformatica Polonica, 2016, Vol. 15 (2016), pp. 113 - 120
Article type: Original article
Analysis of the possibilities for reclamation after aggregate exploitation in the Cracow’s quarry of Brzegi by using remote sensing and geoinformatics
Krakowskie Zakłady Eksploatacji Kruszywa S.A.
Published at: 15.12.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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EnglishView count: 1731
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