The Provincial Imperial Cult in the Levant (Syria, Phoenice, Commagene, Judea, Decapolis, Arabia)

Publication date: 26.06.2023

ELECTRUM, 2023, Volume 30, pp. 401 - 440



Marco Vitale
University of Basel, Switzerland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2425-1248 Orcid
All publications →


The Provincial Imperial Cult in the Levant (Syria, Phoenice, Commagene, Judea, Decapolis, Arabia)


The provincial imperial cult represents one of the most relevant expressions of multiform relationship between provincial communities and Roman authorities especially in the East. During the Roman Principate in Syria, we can enumerate seven administrative districts (eparchies) which occur in connection with this political and religious phenomenon. The complicated question of how the province-wide worship of the Imperial family was organised in Roman Levant must be analysed in different terms. Important aspects are the Roman territorial framework of administration, the creation of autonomous city-leagues (koiná) and their cultic functions, the rules of membership within these federal organizations and their self-representation in coinages and inscriptions. On the level of political and financial management, we are dealing with federal officials and the festivities organized by them. Our paper aims to give a detailed overview of the Syrian imperial cult related not only to one specific site, but in the context of a large and culturally complex area.


BMC Galatia–Syria – W. Wroth, British Museum Catalogue of Greek CoinsGalatia, Cappadocia, and Syria, London 1898.

BMC Palestine – G. F. Hill, British Museum Catalogue of Greek CoinsPalestine (Galilee, Samaria, and Judaea), London 1914.

BMC Phoenicia – G. F. Hill, British Museum Catalogue of Greek CoinsPhoenicia, London 1910.

IAG – L. Moretti, Iscrizioni agonistiche greche, Roma 1953.

I.Caesarea Maritima – C. M. Lehmann, K. G. Holum, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Caesarea Maritima, Boston 2000.

I.Didyma – A. Rehm, Didyma II: Die Inschriften, Berlin 1958.

I.Ephesos – Die Inschriften von Ephesos, Bonn 1979–1984.

IGBulg – G. Mihailov, Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, 6 vols., Sofia 1957–1997.

I.Gerasa – C. B. Welles, The inscriptions, in: C. H. Kraeling, Gerasa, City of Decapolis, New Haven 1938: 355–494.

I.Magnesia – O. Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander, Berlin 1900.

I.Perge II – S. Şahin, Die Inschriften von Perge, vol. II, Bonn 2004.

I.Sestos – J. Krauss, Die Inschriften von Sestos und des thrakischen Chersones, Bonn 1980.

I.Tyana II – D. Berges, J. Nollé, Tyana. Archäologisch-historische Untersuchungen zum südwestlichen Kappadokien, 2 vols., Bonn 2000.

I.Tyr – J.-P. Rey-Coquais, Inscriptions grecques et latines de Tyr, Beyrouth 2006.

IvP III – C. Habicht, Die Inschriften von Pergamon, vol. III: Die Inschriften des Asklepieions, Berlin 1969.

RPC – A. Burnett et al., Roman Provincial Coinage, London–Paris 1992–.

SNG – Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum.

MAMA – Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiquae, Manchester–London 1928–.

TAM – Tituli Asiae Minoris, Wien 1901–.


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Information: ELECTRUM, 2023, Volume 30, pp. 401 - 440

Article type: Original article



Marco Vitale
University of Basel, Switzerland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2425-1248 Orcid
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University of Basel, Switzerland

Published at: 26.06.2023

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Vitale, M., 2023. The Provincial Imperial Cult in the Levant (Syria, Phoenice, Commagene, Judea, Decapolis, Arabia). ELECTRUM, Volume 30 (2023), pp. 401-440