Sguardi incrociati greco-scitici

Publication date: 19.12.2017

ELECTRUM, 2017, Volume 24, pp. 11 - 29



Paolo Ognibene
Università di Bologna, Ravenna
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Sguardi incrociati greco-scitici


Over time, the Greek world repeatedly changed its opinion of the Scythians. Originally the Greeks regarded them as a just and egalitarian society, whereas later they focused instead on their cruel and ferocious character, before finally stressing their invincibility. Similarly, the attitude of the Scythians towards the Greek world changed over time. This article examines the misunderstandings between two very different types of societies, as well as considering the Scythian vision of the Achaemenid world, albeit through Greek mediation.


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Information: ELECTRUM, 2017, Volume 24, pp. 11 - 29

Article type: Original article


Italian: Sguardi incrociati greco-scitici


Università di Bologna, Ravenna

Published at: 19.12.2017

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

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