Mitrei del Vicino Oriente: una facies orientale del culto misterico di Mithra

Publication date: 19.12.2017

ELECTRUM, 2017, Volume 24, pp. 191 - 212



Tommaso Gnoli
Università di Bologna, Ravenna
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Mitrei del Vicino Oriente: una facies orientale del culto misterico di Mithra


An Oriental facies of the cult of Mithras is testified in the Roman East from the first century onward. This article proposes evidence and discusses crucial and peculiar characteristics and idiosyncrasies in the known mithraea from the Roman Near East, against the generally accepted theory stating that the cult of Mithras in the East, and particularly in Syria, shared the same features as those known of Mithraism in the West. 


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Information: ELECTRUM, 2017, Volume 24, pp. 191 - 212

Article type: Original article



Mitrei del Vicino Oriente: una facies orientale del culto misterico di Mithra


Università di Bologna, Ravenna

Published at: 19.12.2017

Article status: Open

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Tommaso Gnoli (Author) - 100%

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