Honoring the King in the Seleukid and Ptolemaic Empires: A Comparative Approach. Part 1
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEHonoring the King in the Seleukid and Ptolemaic Empires: A Comparative Approach. Part 1
Publication date: 21.10.2022
ELECTRUM, 2022, Volume 29, pp. 53 - 72
Honoring the King in the Seleukid and Ptolemaic Empires: A Comparative Approach. Part 1
Cultic and other honors offered to rulers by their subjects unambiguously express loyalty to the rulers. Based on data collected for the Seleukid and Ptolemaic empires, a comparison is offered emphasizing the particular qualities of the Seleukid record. The comparison considers geographic distribution, where the honors fell on a public to private spectrum, the occupations and ethnicities of the subjects who offered honors individually, the intensity of these practices, and changes in the patterns over time. We know in advance that honors for the rulers are weakly attested for the Seleukid east, and even in Koile Syria and Phoinike. Should this reticence be interpreted as a possible indication of tepid support for Seleukid rule in these regions? Alternative explanations or contributing factors include preexisting cultural habits, different royal policies, destruction of evidence by wars and natural disasters, and the unevenness of archaeological exploration.
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Information: ELECTRUM, 2022, Volume 29, pp. 53 - 72
Article type: Original article
Independent researcher
Published at: 21.10.2022
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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