Armenia and Armenians in Roman Numismatics

Publication date: 02.07.2021

ELECTRUM, 2021, Volume 28, pp. 105-134



Anahide Kéfélian
University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 2JD, United Kingdom
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5957-686X Orcid
All publications →


Armenia and Armenians in Roman Numismatics


Ancient Armenian sources are very scarce and do not permit a thorough understanding of Ancient Armenia. For this reason, all available sources relevant to Armenia need to be consid­ered and studied. This is notably the case for Roman Coinage, where issues related to Armenia were struck over the course of 200 years. This paper examines how Roman coinage is able to in­fluence our understanding of Roman, Armenian and Parthian relationships. The study begins with the analysis of the monetary iconography of Armenia and Armenians on Roman coinage through their attributes and postures. Following the first part, the study questions the Roman coinage as a source of ideological representations of the events. Indeed, the issues do not reflect the intricate relationships of the Romans, Armenians and Parthians, but rather highlight Roman victories and the image of the Emperor. Despite this Roman prism, the last part of the article shows that it is possible to use the coinage as a source for Roman, Armenian and Parthian reationship studies.


* I thank Prof. Mark Humphries for the English revision. A first version of this paper was discussed in 2009, as a M. A. dissertation under the supervision of the numismatist Julie Dalaison (Université Lumière Lyon 2).


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Information: ELECTRUM, 2021, Volume 28, pp. 105-134

Article type: Original article



Anahide Kéfélian
University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 2JD, United Kingdom
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5957-686X Orcid
All publications →

University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 2JD, United Kingdom

Published at: 02.07.2021

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<p>Armenia and Armenians in Roman Numismatics</p>