The contemporary significance of the Oliwa park and determination
of its value as a work of garden art
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The contemporary significance of the Oliwa park and determination
of its value as a work of garden art
Publication date: 14.11.2014
Technical Transactions, 2014, Architecture Issue 6 A (11) 2014, pp. 283-294
The contemporary significance of the Oliwa park and determination
of its value as a work of garden art
This paper presents the problems of the modern-day form of the Oliwa Park. The analyses of the history, composition, vegetation and contemporary artifacts, enabled the separation of sequences of garden interiors, which were subsequently indexed. The article contains a number of comparative analyses of artifacts and panoramas (past and present). The results of these studies may be the basis for making further analyses, conservation guidelines, and ultimately contribute to improving the state of the object.
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Gdańsk on postcards,
Information: Technical Transactions, 2014, Architecture Issue 6 A (11) 2014, pp. 283-294
Article type: Original article
The contemporary significance of the Oliwa park and determination
of its value as a work of garden art
The contemporary significance of the Oliwa park and determination
of its value as a work of garden art
Institute of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
Published at: 14.11.2014
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 1920
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