Role of the Department of Architecture Fundamentals and Architectural Design of Kyiv National
University of Construction and Architecture in Shaping the Kyiv Architectural School
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Role of the Department of Architecture Fundamentals and Architectural Design of Kyiv National
University of Construction and Architecture in Shaping the Kyiv Architectural School
Publication date: 30.05.2019
Technical Transactions, 2019, Volume 5 Year 2019 (116), pp. 33 - 40
Role of the Department of Architecture Fundamentals and Architectural Design of Kyiv National
University of Construction and Architecture in Shaping the Kyiv Architectural School
The article is focused on identifying the role of the Department of Architecture Fundamentals and Architectural Design in shaping the architectural school of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA) as part of the Kyiv architectural school. It is performed by applying the deductive method, i.e. consistent analysis and study ranging from Kyiv architectural school elements. The article provides analysis of the key historic landmarks of its development, its fundamental principles, determined for the first time, methodological approaches, and prospects of development. Having undertaken the analysis, KNUCA was found to be playing a prominent role as a leader in methodology of training architects.
Głównym celem tego artykułu jest określenie roli Katedry Podstaw Architektury i Projektowania Architektonicznego w tworzeniu szkoły architektonicznej Kijowskiego Narodowego Uniwersytetu Budownictwa i Architektury w kontekście szkoły architektonicznej w Kijowie. W tym celu zastosowano dedukcyjną metodę polegającą na sekwencyjnym ruchu analizy i badania elementu kijowskiej szkoły architektonicznej. Pod uwagę brano główne historyczne etapy formacji, po raz pierwszy zdefiniowano podstawowe zasady metodyczne i perspektywy departamentu. Przeprowadzone badania udowodniły, że KNUCA jest liderem w dziedzinie metodologii nauczania na liście miejsc kształcących przyszłych architeków.
architectural school, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, historical landmarks, methodological fundamentals, graduates, scientific and creative achievements, szkoła architektoniczna, Kijowski Narodowy Uniwersytet Budownictwa i Architektury, historyczne kamienie milowe, zasady metodyczne, absolwenci, osiągnięcia naukowe i twórcze
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Information: Technical Transactions, 2019, Volume 5 Year 2019 (116), pp. 33 - 40
Article type: Original article
Role of the Department of Architecture Fundamentals and Architectural Design of Kyiv National
University of Construction and Architecture in Shaping the Kyiv Architectural School
Role of the Department of Architecture Fundamentals and Architectural Design of Kyiv National
University of Construction and Architecture in Shaping the Kyiv Architectural School
Department of Architecture Fundamentals and Architectural Design, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. Ukraine
Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architecture Design, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Published at: 30.05.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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