Noise analysis of the
longitudinal paper cutting machine in the context of declaration of
compliance of the machinery

Publication date: 19.09.2016

Technical Transactions, 2016, Mechanics Issue 2-M (3) 2016, pp. 97-111



Zygmunt Dziechciowski
Instytut Konstrukcji Maszyn, Wydział Mechaniczny, Politechnika Krakowska
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Andrzej Czerwiński
Instytut Konstrukcji Maszyn, Wydział Mechaniczny, Politechnika Krakowska
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Noise analysis of the
longitudinal paper cutting machine in the context of declaration of
compliance of the machinery


The paper summarises the noise measurements of a bobbin cutting machine, also referred to as a longitudinal paper cutter machine, taken as a part of the procedure involved in the declaration of compliance of the machinery. Noise measurements were taken with a view to improve the conditions in the work environment. Due to the machine operation, noise level conditions were determined by testing the impulse response inside the machine room. Calculations were carried out in an attempt to improve the working conditions for machine operators.



Information: Technical Transactions, 2016, Mechanics Issue 2-M (3) 2016, pp. 97-111

Article type: Original article



Noise analysis of the
longitudinal paper cutting machine in the context of declaration of
compliance of the machinery


Noise analysis of the
longitudinal paper cutting machine in the context of declaration of
compliance of the machinery


Instytut Konstrukcji Maszyn, Wydział Mechaniczny, Politechnika Krakowska

Instytut Konstrukcji Maszyn, Wydział Mechaniczny, Politechnika Krakowska

Published at: 19.09.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Zygmunt Dziechciowski (Author) - 50%
Andrzej Czerwiński (Author) - 50%

Article corrections:


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