Modeling technological and organizational variants of building projects
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEModeling technological and organizational variants of building projects
Publication date: 11.02.2015
Technical Transactions, 2014, Civil Engineering Issue 5-B (19) 2014 , pp. 261 - 269
Modeling technological and organizational variants of building projects
The paper addresses the possibility to utilize alternative-decision networks to model and analyze technological and organizational variants of building processes [1]. The undetermined structure of such networks makes it possible to simultaneously model any given number of variants of the scrutinized project and, as a result of the network’s analysis, to select the solution (variant) which is optimal within the set criterion. The paper attempts to broaden thevertex set of the subject network by adding two logical formulas on the side of the peak entrance: namely „and” and „or” to make the modeling of certain technological and organizational relationships of a construction enterprise easier. Introducing new vertices into the network required extending the mathematical model used to determine the optimal technological and organizational variant of the analyzed enterprise.
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Information: Technical Transactions, 2014, Civil Engineering Issue 5-B (19) 2014 , pp. 261 - 269
Article type: Original article
Modeling technological and organizational variants of building projects
Modeling technological and organizational variants of building projects
Department of Construction Technology and Organisation, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology
Published at: 11.02.2015
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 1800
Number of downloads: 954