Measurements of the angular and linear displacements of steered wheel
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEMeasurements of the angular and linear displacements of steered wheel
Publication date: 22.02.2018
Technical Transactions, 2018, Volume 2 Year 2018 (115), pp. 219-227
Measurements of the angular and linear displacements of steered wheel
This paper concerns the use of a prototype measuring instrument for conducting measurements of the linear and angular displacements of a steered wheel in relation to the car body. The theoretical principles
of the measurement are presented, as are the notation method and a solution to the system of equations of the geometric constraints of the instrument’s mechanism. In the research section, the manner in which the measurements were conducted is discussed and sample results are described. A preliminary analysis of the results is performed in the summary section.
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Information: Technical Transactions, 2018, Volume 2 Year 2018 (115), pp. 219-227
Article type: Original article
Measurements of the angular and linear displacements of steered wheel
Measurements of the angular and linear displacements of steered wheel
Kraków University of Economics, Kraków, Poland
Published at: 22.02.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 1926
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