Landsliding slope supported by gabions – a case study and the methodology of numerical modelling
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RIS BIB ENDNOTELandsliding slope supported by gabions – a case study and the methodology of numerical modelling
Publication date: 20.12.2018
Technical Transactions, 2018, Volume 12 Year 2018 (115), pp. 53-60
Landsliding slope supported by gabions – a case study and the methodology of numerical modelling
The paper presents results of numerical analysis of the gabion retaining wall stability. A few of the possible design variants were analyzed and the optimal one was chosen.
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Information: Technical Transactions, 2018, Volume 12 Year 2018 (115), pp. 53-60
Article type: Original article
Landsliding slope supported by gabions – a case study and the methodology of numerical modelling
Landsliding slope supported by gabions – a case study and the methodology of numerical modelling
Department of Geotechnics, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Cracow University of Technology
Institute of Geotechnics, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Cracow University of Technology
Published at: 20.12.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 1661
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