Integration of the Rural Roads database in Thailand with
the parallel computing environment
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Integration of the Rural Roads database in Thailand with
the parallel computing environment
Publication date: 13.01.2016
Technical Transactions, 2015, Mechanics Issue 2-M (7) 2015, pp. 245-252
Integration of the Rural Roads database in Thailand with
the parallel computing environment
We present a solution to integrate the database of the Department of Rural Roads (DRR) in Thailand and to utilize the date on the environment of the parallel computing. We define and classify the usage of the data according to the level of the collaboration for different sources. For the user interface of the integration, we provide a web-based environment with the technique of the HTML5.
[1] Thailand infrastructure annual report, the National Economic and Social Development Board of Thailand (NESDB) and the World Bank, 2008. [2] Asian Development Bank, Publication Stock No. RPS113935.
[3] Pomlaktong, N., Ongkittikul S., Infrastructure Development in Thailand, [in:] International Infrastructure Development in East Asia – Towards Balanced Regional Development and Integration, ed. N. Kumar, ERIA Research Project Report 2007-2, Chiba: IDE-JETRO, 2008, 263-291.
Information: Technical Transactions, 2015, Mechanics Issue 2-M (7) 2015, pp. 245-252
Article type: Original article
Integration of the Rural Roads database in Thailand with
the parallel computing environment
Integration of the Rural Roads database in Thailand with
the parallel computing environment
Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
Published at: 13.01.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 1391
Number of downloads: 1375