Gantry and bridge cranes neuro-fuzzy control by using
neural-like structures of geometric transformations
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Gantry and bridge cranes neuro-fuzzy control by using
neural-like structures of geometric transformations
Publication date: 16.09.2014
Technical Transactions, 2013, Automatic Control Issue 3-AC (11) 2013, pp. 53-68
Gantry and bridge cranes neuro-fuzzy control by using
neural-like structures of geometric transformations
Fuzzy logic is based on the use of natural language such as ‘far or close’, ‘cold or hot’ and etc. Its application range is very wide, from household appliances to the management of complex industrial processes. Many modern management tasks cannot be simply solved by classical methods because of the very great complexity of mathematical models. However, mathematical transformations are required for using the fuzzy logic theory on a computer and give a possibility to convert linguistic variables to their numerical value in the computer and vice versa. In this paper a gantry and bridge crane control system for managing carts swinging during transporting a load with high accuracy positioning during movement is presented. T-Controller fuzzy inference system as a base for crane management system is described and its main advantages in comparison with traditional systems are delineated. Schema of simplified crane model is introduced.
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Information: Technical Transactions, 2013, Automatic Control Issue 3-AC (11) 2013, pp. 53-68
Article type: Original article
Gantry and bridge cranes neuro-fuzzy control by using
neural-like structures of geometric transformations
Gantry and bridge cranes neuro-fuzzy control by using
neural-like structures of geometric transformations
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Published at: 16.09.2014
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 2164
Number of downloads: 1626