Changing attitude patterns in group decision making process – a socio-technological approach

Publication date: 2012

Technical Transactions, 2012, Automatic Control Issue 1-AC (25) 2012, pp. 1-1



Dominika Falkiewicz
Katedra Automatyki i Technik Informacyjnych, Wydział Elektrotechniki i Inżynierii Komputerowej, Politechnika Krakowska; Katedra Komputerowych Systemów Automatyki, Instytut Technologii Komputerowych, Automatyki i Metrologii, Uniwersytet Narodowy „Lvivska Politechnika”
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Małgorzata Hołda
Department of Automatic Control and Information Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cracow University of Technology; Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
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Changing attitude patterns in group decision making process – a socio-technological approach


This paper proposes a novel approach to consensus reaching process, which combines a mathematical model and socio-psychological factors. We attempt to correlate two decision support systems: one with the teacher managing the process of reaching consensus within the laboratory groups of individuals, and computer-based system, with mathematical presumptions as for the consistency of the model with the reality of a particular social group.



Information: Technical Transactions, 2012, Automatic Control Issue 1-AC (25) 2012, pp. 1-1

Article type: Original article



Changing attitude patterns in group decision making process – a socio-technological approach


Changing attitude patterns in group decision making process – a socio-technological approach


Katedra Automatyki i Technik Informacyjnych, Wydział Elektrotechniki i Inżynierii Komputerowej, Politechnika Krakowska; Katedra Komputerowych Systemów Automatyki, Instytut Technologii Komputerowych, Automatyki i Metrologii, Uniwersytet Narodowy „Lvivska Politechnika”

Department of Automatic Control and Information Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cracow University of Technology; Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences

Published at: 2012

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Dominika Falkiewicz (Author) - 50%
Małgorzata Hołda (Author) - 50%

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