Attractiveness of the Manhattan district
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEAttractiveness of the Manhattan district
Publication date: 03.02.2016
Technical Transactions, 2015, Architektecture Issue 3-A (3) 2015, pp. 143-159
Attractiveness of the Manhattan district
The urban space in today’s world has become, in many cities, “rootless” and “alienated”. “Non-places are all those spaces, which are the antithesis of home, domesticated space, well-oriented, almost temple-like, personalized, with their own history and accumulated memory. In the space of home people had names and surnames, had well-defined identities” [20, p. 10]. “Impersonal lone crowd” [12] in public spaces leads to a dangerous phenomenon of creation of closed-off enclaves of people who have interactions only within them and control one another. It leads to fear of new challenges, emotions, passions, social life. It also paves the way for depopulation of cities and lack of eagerness to live in them, because cities become less interesting. The phenomenon of “attractiveness of cities” and city space pertains to identity and social distinctiveness of places, friendly neighborhood, good access to communication and shopping, services, culture and recreation. This characterizes Manhattan – the New York district that never sleeps. It is vibrant with life and energy, with an infectious atmosphere, thereby rendering it one of the most attractive in the world. The emotions that it evokes forever inscribe themselves in our memory.
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Information: Technical Transactions, 2015, Architektecture Issue 3-A (3) 2015, pp. 143-159
Article type: Original article
Attractiveness of the Manhattan district
Attractiveness of the Manhattan district
Institute of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
Published at: 03.02.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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