“A second chance” – the concept of revitalizing the “Jawiszowice” State Coal Mine
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RIS BIB ENDNOTE“A second chance” – the concept of revitalizing the “Jawiszowice” State Coal Mine
Publication date: 11.02.2015
Technical Transactions, 2014, Civil Engineering Issue 5-B (19) 2014 , pp. 27 - 32
“A second chance” – the concept of revitalizing the “Jawiszowice” State Coal Mine
The paper presents the problem of degradation of the former industrial complex PKWK “Jawiszowice” in Brzeszcze with its buildings and technical infrastructure, and examines the possibility of its re-use. It emphasizes the benefits of the area revitalization in the broad sense that seems to be the most sensible decision which may be made after the termination of extraction of the raw material. The main aspect is the implementation of innovative and creative solutions which consequently enable the creation of the development not only for the city of Brzeszcze but for the entire region. This example – which is the subject of the present discussion – was also the subject of author’s previous studies conducted in the framework of the masters’ thesis.
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Information: Technical Transactions, 2014, Civil Engineering Issue 5-B (19) 2014 , pp. 27 - 32
Article type: Original article
“A second chance” – the concept of revitalizing the “Jawiszowice” State Coal Mine
“A second chance” – the concept of revitalizing the “Jawiszowice” State Coal Mine
Department of Civil Engineering and Building Physics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology
Published at: 11.02.2015
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 2208
Number of downloads: 1303