Faculty of Languages - University of Gdańsk

L’écriture de Malika Mokeddem : une écriture de la métamorphose

Publication date: 30.06.2022

Cahiers ERTA, 2022, Numéro 30, pp. 68 - 91



Souad Atoui-Labidi
Université Mohamed Boudiaf de M’Sila, Algeria
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7928-1113 Orcid
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L’écriture de Malika Mokeddem : une écriture de la métamorphose


The reader attentive to the novels of Malika Mokeddem cannot fail to spot the impressive link between humans and nature. The author’s fiction creates its own laws and invents a universe where language is no longer used as a means of description but as a tool to symbolically say a fusion between its different elements. The space of the dune amply brushed in the novels has captured our attention since it metamorphoses and changes status: sometimes affective/ maternal, sometimes seductive. As for the symbolically painted sea, has an emotional dimension since it has often been synonymous with substitute for the absent mother.

We will try, in this article, to highlight a writing in metamorphosis and to understand its different manifestations through the analysis of the explicit and implicit words of the author in her stories. The use of Bachelard’s work will therefore be of great support to explore the proposed avenues.


Download references

Bachelard G., L’eau et les rêves, Paris, J. Cortis, 1968.

Bachelard G., La poétique de l’espace, Paris, PUF, 1961.

Bouvet R., Pages de sable : essai sur l’imaginaire du désert, Montréal, XYZ, 2006.

Chebel M., Le livre des séductions, Paris, Lieu Commun, 1986.

Madelain J., L’errance et l’itinéraire : Lecture du roman maghrébin de langue française, Paris, Sindbad, 1983.

Mokeddem M., Les Hommes qui marchent, Paris, Grasset, 1990.

Mokeddem M., Le siècle des sauterelles, Paris, Ramsay, 1992.

Mokeddem M., La transe des insoumis, Paris, Grasset, 2003.

Mokeddem M., Mes hommes, Alger, Sédia, 2006.

Vignola G., « Écocritique, écosémiotique et représentation du monde en littérature », [dans :] Cygne noir, 2017, n° 5.

Wunenburger J. J., « Gaston Bachelard : poétique des images », [dans :] Q. Molinier (dir.), La pensée de Gaston Bachelard, Implications philosophiques, juin 2012, http://www.implications-philosophiques.org/


Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2022, Numéro 30, pp. 68 - 91

Article type: Original article


French: L’écriture de Malika Mokeddem : une écriture de la métamorphose

Malika Mokeddem’s writing: a writing of metamorphosis



Souad Atoui-Labidi
Université Mohamed Boudiaf de M’Sila, Algeria
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7928-1113 Orcid
All publications →

Université Mohamed Boudiaf de M’Sila, Algeria

Published at: 30.06.2022

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY  licence icon

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Souad Atoui-Labidi (Author) - 100%

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View count: 685

Number of downloads: 788

<p>Malika Mokeddem’s writing: a writing of metamorphosis</p>