The Freudian mechanics of mourning in À présent and Vivre Vite by Brigitte Giraud
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 20.09.2024
Cahiers ERTA, 2024, Numéro 39, pp. 175 - 190
La mécanique freudienne du deuil dans À présent et Vivre Vite de Brigitte Giraud
This study explores the Freudian mechanics of mourning as depicted in Brigitte Giraud's A Present and Vivre Vite. The hypothesis posits that these two works, separated by twenty years, illustrate the evolution of mourning through a chronological examination of À présent (2001) and Vivre Vite (2022). The methodology focuses on the concepts of temporality, hallucinations, and melancholia, analyzing how these themes shift between the two narratives. The conclusion argues that Giraud's use of temporal shifts, hallucinations, and melancholic reflections in both books demonstrates the universality of Freud's mourning concept while highlighting its unique individual expressions. Notably, the shift from intense emotional expression in À présent to a more introspective approach in Vivre Vite reflects the author's own personal journey with loss and the passage of time. The study suggests that Giraud's skillful use of language serves as a vital tool for both personal healing and for capturing the collective human experience of loss and resilience.
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Information: Cahiers ERTA, 2024, Numéro 39, pp. 175 - 190
Article type: Original article
Université de Gdańsk
Published at: 20.09.2024
Received at: 15.02.2024
Accepted at: 28.06.2024
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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FrenchView count: 119
Number of downloads: 70