The First Record of Intestinal Ciliates from the Mountain Zebra (Equus zebra) in South Africa
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe First Record of Intestinal Ciliates from the Mountain Zebra (Equus zebra) in South Africa
Publication date: 17.03.2021
Acta Protozoologica, 2020, Volume 59, Issue 3-4, pp. 149-155
The First Record of Intestinal Ciliates from the Mountain Zebra (Equus zebra) in South Africa
This paper is a first report on species of endosymbiotic ciliates (Litostomatea, Trichostomatia) inhabiting the intestine of zebras in South Africa. Ciliates from Mountain Zebra were investigated for the first time in the world. The wild population of mountain zebras in general and the Cape Mountain Zebra subspecies in particular is low in numbers: this species is included as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List. Approximately 15 species of trichostome ciliates from 9 different genera were found in the samples collected from wild zebras in Western Cape, South Africa. Some of the ciliate species are also common to horses and other equids, while others are unique for zebras. The ciliates of Triplumaria genus common to elephants and rhinoceroses, and the species Blepharosphaera ceratotherii previously described in rhinoceroses were found in equids for the first time.
Information: Acta Protozoologica, 2020, Volume 59, Issue 3-4, pp. 149-155
Article type: Original article
Department of Zoology, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia
Core Facility Centre “Culture Collection of Microorganisms” St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Laboratory of Parasitic Worms and Protistology, Zoological Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia
Published at: 17.03.2021
Received at: 13.10.2020
Accepted at: 02.12.2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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EnglishView count: 780
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