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Papposphaera heldalii sp. nov. (Haptophyta, Papposphaeraceae) from Svalbard

Publication date: 17.02.2016

Acta Protozoologica, 2016, Volume 55, Issue 1, pp. 27-32



Helge Abildhauge Thomsen
National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, Charlottenlund, Denmark
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Jorun Karin Egge
University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
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Papposphaera heldalii sp. nov. (Haptophyta, Papposphaeraceae) from Svalbard


In an attempt to establish a taxonomy for the polar contingent of lightly calcified coccolithophores, we are currently dealing with species of Papposphaera. Here we describe a new species,Papposphaera heldalii sp. nov., based on material from Svalbard. The species is unique in terms of calyx design, which is an elegant modification of the standard P. sagittifera theme, and also in terms of the absence of central area calcification in body coccoliths. The species thus occupies a further step in a sequence of five Arctic forms ranging from P. sagittifera via P. sarionP. arctica and P. iugifera to P. heldalii showing a gradual reduction of central area calcification in body coccoliths. P. heldalii is unique also in the sense that the species has not been found during any of the major Arctic TEM nanoplankton surveys conducted during the last decades. 


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Thomsen H. A., Østergaard, J. B. (2016) Papposphaera iugifera nov. sp. from West Greenland, Svalbard, and the Baltic Sea. Rev. Micropaléontol. (in press)

Thomsen H. A., Heldal M., Østergaard J. B. (2016a) Coccolithophores in polar waters: Papposphaera arctica HET and HOL revisited. Micropaleontology Acta Protozool55: 33–50

Thomsen H. A., Heldal M., Østergaard J. B. (2016b) Coccolithophores in polar waters: Papposphaera sarion HET and HOL revisited. Micropaleontology (in press)

Young J. R., Bergen J. A., Bown P. R., Burnett J. A., Fiorentino A., Jordan R. W., Kleijne A., van Niel B. E., Romein A. J. T., von Salis K. (1997) Guidelines for coccolith and calcareous nannofossil terminology. Palaeontology 40: 875912

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Young J. R. Bown P. R., Lees J. A. (eds) Nannotax3 website. International Nannoplankton Association. 13 June 2015. URL: http://ina.tmsoc.org/Nannotax3/link.php?taxon=Papposphaera_lepida


Information: Acta Protozoologica, 2016, Volume 55, Issue 1, pp. 27-32

Article type: Original article


National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, Charlottenlund, Denmark

University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Published at: 17.02.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Helge Abildhauge Thomsen (Author) - 50%
Jorun Karin Egge (Author) - 50%

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