Xumiao Chen
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 52, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 65-72
https://doi.org/10.4467/16890027AP.13.007.1086The urostylid family Pseudokeronopsidae Borror and Wicklow, 1983 was considered to be a well-outlined taxon. Nevertheless, recent evidence, including morphological, ontogenetic, and molecular information, has consistently revealed the polyphyly of this family. In the present work, a new population of Thigmokeronopsis stoecki Shao et al., 2008 was found and its binary divisional process was described for the first time. In addition, the morphogenetic features of Thigmokeronopsis species and all the other pseudokeronopsids, for which detailed ontogenetic data are available, were rechecked and compared. This reveals that: (1) the ontogenetic process of T. stoecki corresponds well with its congeners T. jahodai and T. rubra except for the macronuclear behavior; (2) Apokeronopsis and Thigmokeronopsis share a similar ontogenetic mode despite of the differences in the number and origin of their buccal cirri; (3) most pseudokeronopsids share the same pattern in the origins of their oral primordia and fronto-ventral-transverse cirral anlagen, except for Pseudokeronopsis similis, which may not be a valid member of the family Pseudokeronopsidae.
Xumiao Chen
Acta Protozoologica, Volume 52, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 73-87
https://doi.org/10.4467/16890027AP.13.008.1087The morphology, morphogenesis and infraciliature of two marine euplotid ciliates, Euplotes dammamensis n. sp. and Euplotes balteatus (Dujardin, 1841) Kahl, 1932, isolated from a sandy beach of the Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, were investigated using observations in vivo and protargol-impregnation methods. Euplotes dammamensis n. sp. is characterized by a combination of features including its huge body size (100–170 × 80–120 μm), 10 conspicuous dorsal ridges, 10 normal-sized frontoventral and two marginal cirri, and 11 dorsal kineties. Euplotes balteatus is mainly characterized by 10 frontoventral, two caudal, and two left marginal cirri, 7–10 dorsal kineties and 5–7 prominent dorsal ridges as well as double-eurystomus silverline system. The small subunit rRNA (SSU-rRNA) gene sequences were determined for both species and phylogenetic analyses based on these data indicated that E. dammamensis is most closely related to E. parabalteatus Jiang et al., 2010, and E. balteatus clusters with E. plicatum Valbonesi et al., 1997, E. orientalis Jiang et al., 2010, and E. bisulcatus Kahl, 1932.